The Editorial Board invites the materials of original scientific, practical and also educational and methodological researches that have never been published before. The authors are responsible for the faithfulness of the submitted information. The author receives no fee for published paper. Editorial Board has the right to categorize, review, shorten and reject the articles. The submitted materials are not returned.
Reprint of the materials published in the journal is forbidden. In case of their use the link is obligatory.
The article must be typed in the text editor Microsoft Word in the doc, docx format. Margins everywhere are 20 mm. Type is Times New Roman 14 pt. in 1.5 space. Paragraph indention is 1,25 cm. Pages are not numbered. Paper must consist of 10 – 12 pages.
The article is submitted in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish, German, and must contain the following structural elements:
– UDC (in the upper left corner of the sheet);
– Author’s Surname and Initials (in the upper right corner of the sheet);
– academic degree, academic title, honorary title, position and full name of the author’s place of work (study), city, country (in the upper right corner of the sheet);
– blank line;
– the title of the article – in capital letters (in the center);
– blank line;
– a summary and key words in Ukrainian and in the language of the article (in case when the article is in Russian, Polish or German) (500 symbols);
– formulating of the problem in general, urgency of the research and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks (“Target setting”);
– analyzing of the latest scientific researches and publications in which the solution of this problem was started up and which the author uses, defining of earlier uninvestigated parts of general problem, which this article is devoted to (“Actual scientific researches and publications analysis”);
– formulating of the goals of the article (“Purpose setting”);
– presenting of basic material of the research with a complete reasoning of obtained scientific results (“The statement of basic materials”);
– making conclusions concerning this study and prospects for further researches in this direction (“Conclusions”);
– blank line;
– “References” (in the center) is given in the order of their mentioning in the text of the article. The bibliographic list of the papers is submitted in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015. The reference to the source is made directly in the text. The square brackets indicate the serial number of the source used, and a specific page is mentioned through a comma (for example: [5, pp. 74]; [15, sheet 18]).
– blank line;
– a summary and keywords in English (1800-2000 symbols). The summary must contain: author’s surname, initials and the title of the article.
Materials must be sent to the e-mail address of the Editorial Board, pointing out the desired heading of the journal:; responsible person is Svitlana Oleksiivna Nishchymna, phone number is (095) 50-42-292:
1) electronic version of the article;
2) if the author has no scientific degree he/she must provide a scanned review from a Doctor of Sciences or a Ph.D. on a submitted article;
3) information about the author (authors) – as in the example;
4) аn article submitted to the Editorial Board without adhering to the requirements is not reviewed and published.
The example of files marking: Ivanenko_article; Ivanenko_review; Ivanenko_information; Ivanenko_receipt.
Address of the Editorial Board: Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, 34 Honcha Street, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine.
The Editorial Board considers the submitted paper and accompanying documents (review, information about the authors, etc.) to be the consent of the contributor(s) to transfer the copyright for using the paper (printing, distribution, etc.).
The scientific journal “Criminal and Executive System: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow” is placed on the Academy website.
The example of the article
UDC 343.241
Ivanenko I.I.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
The article aimed at highlighting the role of the family in preventing crime among young people. The educational function of the family is emphasized. It is determined that the family and its values directly influence the forming of the individual…(500 symbols)
Key words: family, children, youth, family values, prevention of crimes.
A summary and key words in Ukrainian and in the language of the article (in case when the article is in Russian, Polish or German) must consist of 500 symbols.
Target setting
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis
Purpose setting
The statement of basic materials
References1. Bytiak YU. P. Derzhavna sluzhba v Ukraini: orhanizatsiino-pravovi zasady: monohrafiia. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2005. 304 s.2. Denysov S. F. Harmonizatsiia suspilnoho zhyttia yak napriam zapobihannia zlochynnosti molodi. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. N. Karazina. Seriia: Pravo. 2010. Vyp. 8 (934). S. 106–110.3. Analiz stanu zdiisnennia sudochynstva v 2015 rotsi (za danymy sudovoi statystyky). URL: (data zvernennia: 18.03.2017).
Іvanenko І. І.
The article aimed at highlighting the role of the family in preventing crime among young people. The educational function of the family is emphasized. It is determined that the family and its values directly influence the forming of the individual…(1800 – 2000 symbols)
Key words: family, children, youth, family values, prevention of crimes.
A summary and key words in English must consist of 1800-2000 symbols.