Department of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation

The Department of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation directs its activities to the development of scientific and international cooperation in various fields of science (law, education, social and behavioral sciences) according to the priority directions of reforming and functioning of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the aim of achieving high-quality training of specialists, as well as increasing the scientific potential of the Academy of the SPS and presenting it at the international level.

The main functions of the Department are:

  • coordination and monitoring of scientific work at faculties, departments and implementation of control over their activities (collection, analysis and generalization of information on scientific research activities);
  • organizing and holding scientific, scientific and practical events of various levels for scientific and pedagogical workers, young scientists, post-graduate students, cadets and students at the Academy of the SPS;
  • participation in the implementation of joint scientific projects, conducting fundamental and applied scientific research at the request of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • scientific and organizational support of scientific and research works of the Academy departments, which have got state registration;
  • monitoring of legislative and other normative legal acts, as well as the practice of their application, making proposals for their improvement to the relevant authorities;
  • informing and consulting scientific and pedagogical staff of the Academy regarding participation in international programs, projects, scientific and practical activities; provision of scientific and methodological assistance to young scientists who work and/or study at the Academy of the SPS;
  • expansion of academic ties with domestic and foreign institutions of higher education, organizations, scientific research institutions and involvement of partners in cooperation;
  • development of the priority area of international activity – academic mobility and expansion of the range of international internships for scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Academy of the SPS;
  • search for international grants, projects, competitions (including with institutions of higher education and organizations); participation in international educational and scientific programs.

Department Staff:

Yermak Oleksii Viktorovych – chief researcher, PhD in Law, major of the internal service;

Kvitka Alina Serhiivna – chief researcher, PhD in Pedagogy, senior lieutenant of the internal service;

Shmelova Rymma Ihorivna – junior researcher, senior lieutenant of the internal service;

Dmytro Valentynovych Kyseliov – junior researcher, captain of the internal service.